Friday, August 24, 2012

Insanity and Skittles?? Is that the magic combo?

Another successful day of logging my food......... WHEW. Why is that such a chore for me now? I used to do it and think nothing of it. Man, it's hard to re-create a good habit.

It was a good day for all of us. My daughter had her "Tiger Academy" today. She will be attending the local high school as an 8th grader. Today was her chance to learn the school and she get her schedule. She seemed to enjoy it and I managed to survive the idea that she's getting so old. But to be COMPLETELY HONEST... it's not her getting old.. it's me!

That's the biggest struggle I've been having. My age. I know, I know... I'm still young-ish... 36. I vividly remember when someone was 36 and I was 27 they were "old" and that makes me feel like I'm losing all my "young-ness". Does that makes sense? I've been fighting off the old lady, mom pants wearing, perm getting time warp for a while now but DAMN it's hard. I mean... am I too old to shop at the Buckle? Why am I starting to feel bad about wearing Miss Me jeans? I mean.. hell, it took ALLLLL my energy the last year to get small enough to wear those jeans, am I too old now? I often wonder what I look like through the eyes of my daughter or other younger gals. Am I that "old" chick that can't figure it out... am I the next episode of "What Not To Wear"... If so you better tell me, dammmmit! At least before I totally ghetto out like Pamela Anderson...... maybe I need boobs? Don't judge.
Thank gosh I quit scrunching my hair and pegging my jeans... I kid, I kid...  However, in the last few months I've considered Botox. I have the wrinkled forehead of a 90 year old man!

rough night? Sheesh.

Tomorrow I'm running BRIGHT AND EARLY .... going for 8 miles. I took Thursday and Friday as rest days. I probably should not have had 2 back to back rest days but I had bills to pay tonight and catch up on laundry. It's tough being me......... Hahaha.. Lame.

Last night I caught myself watching the infomerical for the Insanity Workout DVDs... I really really want them. If you go to and search "Insanity" under success stories you will find a billion pictures of women that have really seen amazing results. I love it. BUT, I can't pull the trigger on the price of those babies. SPENDY... I know it's worth it if I DO IT and keep at it.. however when my credit card bill rolls in and I owe 120.00, I'll be pissy about it. Have any of you done this? Do you love it? BE TRUTHFUL. Oh and it's okay if you own this DVD and haven't done it. I did that with Turbo Jam. About 5 years ago, I bought those DVDs late one night after a very good infomerical. Apparently I thought buying them was good enough. Like maybe I could rub them on my fat ass and it would slim me up. FAT CHANCE.... Didn't work. I ended up giving them away because I never EVER ever EVER used them. That is my Insanity fear. $120.00 for a few rubs on my thighs and no results.... That would really make me feel sad and OLD... but mostly pathetic. LOL

Welp, it's almost time for the next infomerical..... I better bust this post out and get to it. Too bad I can't have a big old bag of Skittles to go with it. Oh and I'm very sorry that I've wasted more of your valuable time reading the few thoughts rolling around in my empty head. I do love ya for it and I know you'll feel so much better about yourself after seeing what a turd I am. :) See, I'm a giver!
Nighty Night.

1 comment:

  1. rock my world. I from now on am going to read your blog everyday. I pee'd my pants laughing because its like you are standing right her talking to me. Your blogs are wellllllll.....all mandy. I love you and your strength and humor. Keep it up I am so proud. Have a flippin fab FRIDAY. love ya
